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Established in 2015, Kickettes started as way for younger middle school students to test and learn the skills needed to tryout for the Knoch High School Knochettes Dance & Drill Team. 


The first team of Kickettes consisted of five middle school students with four of them moving on to become established and talented Knochettes during their high schools years.


Though those first Kickettes have since graduated, the program still runs strong by giving students the opportunity, exposure and experience to what Knochettes have to offer as an extra-curricular activity.


Knochettes & Kickettes utilize and perform stylized forms of dance for audience entertainment and visual affect with the marching band. Styles include field jazz, drill, pom and kick which have been popularized by the world famous "Rockettes" and Kilgore College Rangerettes. Kickettes also demonstrate these skills at a basketball half time performance to a mix of pop music.


Kickettes is open to students in 6th-9th grade. For the best exposure, Kickettes perform at three types of venues. They participate in the KHS homecoming parade, one HS football pre-game show along side the Knochettes (same date as the homecoming parade) and one MS basketball half time show. Additionally, they will sit in the stands with the Knochettes and get to cheer on our Knoch Knights

while dancing to band ditties!


Other than possibly needing to purchase tights & the optional Kickettes T-shirt

(not required), there is no cost to participate in Kickettes. Occasionally, other items are needed but the Knochettes try to cover those. Students will be supplied with a school uniform and poms to use. 


There are typically 6-8 practices scheduled. It is OK if one or two are missed. It is also OK if a student can't commit to both the football and basketball venues. Some students have done one or the other. It is about getting students exposed to their extra-curricular options and getting them involved. Knochettes and marching band are great organizations to belong! 


Knochettes & Kickettes

Students in 7th-12th grade can join Knochettes as an Honorette (Honor Knochette). 


Contact the Knochette Coach/Advisor


© 2015 by Knoch High Band, Saxonburg PA

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